KTH Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan är huvudman för CeXS och samarbetar med Linköpings universitet. Centrumets verksamhet planeras och samordnas av ett litet team, som rapporterar till en styrelse.


As Mikael Östling, Deputy President of KTH, said “KTH is proud to host this new SNIC supercomputer to assist Swedish researchers as KTH is strongly committed to supporting computational researchers both from academia and industry.” Dardel HPE Cray XE system: Click on image for high resolution version.

Verified email at kth.se. Nanoelectronics Device technology power JJ Wang, ES Lambers, SJ Pearton, M Ostling Mikael Östling (M’85–SM’97–F’04) received the Ph.D. degree from Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, in 1983. He is currently a Professor and the Deputy President with the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Mikael Östling to be KTH’s Deputy President Published Oct 18, 2016 The University Board has appointed Mikael Östling, Professor of Solid State Electronics, to be Deputy President of the Royal Institute of Technology from January. Lars Mikael Östling, född 26 augusti 1955, är professor i fasta tillståndets elektronik vid KTH. Han är avdelningschef för avdelningen Integrerade komponenter och kretsar och var 2004–2012 skolchef (dekan) för Skolan för informations- och kommunikationsteknik.

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Mikael ÖSTLING, Deputy President | Cited by 9,344 | of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (KTH) | Read 690 publications | Contact Mikael ÖSTLING

He is currently department head of Integrated Devices and Circuits and was the dean of the School of Information and Östling, Mikael KTH, School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Integrated Devices and Circuits. 1998 (English) In: Materials Science Forum, ISSN 0255-5476, Vol. 264-268, no PART 2, 805-808 Article in journal (Refereed) Published I would like to thank my course instructors and trainers during my stay at KTH, Lars Thylen, Mattias Hammar, Lech Wosinski, Henry Radamson, Mikael Östling, Carl‐ Mikael Zetterling, Jan Linnros, Gunnar Malm, Mikael Östling, Hans Bergqvist, Wubshet Sahle, Muhammet S. … IH2655 Spring 2009 Carl Mikael Zetterling KTH Device simulation types Forward from EE 300 at The City College of New York, CUNY Östling, Mikael KTH, School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Microelectronics and Applied Physics, MAP. 2007 (English) In: 2007 European Conference On Power Electronics And Applications: Vols 1-10, 2007, 2744-2750 Conference paper (Refereed) Mikael Östling received his MSc degree in engineering physics and the PhD degree from Uppsala University, Sweden in 1980 and 1983 respectively He has been with the faculty of EE of KTH, Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden since 1984 where he holds a position as professor in solid state electronics. Mikael Östling har varit på KTH sedan mitten av 1980-talet.

Mikael ostling kth

Mikael Östling, KTH’s Deputy President for Research has approved the promotion of 2MILab from interim to full research infrastructure, in the company of top facilities like Electrum Lab, Odqvist Laboratory, Parallel Data Center (PDC) and National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI).

Monday, 16 March 2009. Mikael Östling, professor vid Mikroelektronik och tillämpad fysik,  21 Oct 2016 Status of SiC high voltage device technology. Mikael Östling,.

Mikael ostling kth

Läs mer på KTH:s hjälpinsatser till sjukvården . Varma hälsningar, Mikael The President’s Council consists of the President, Deputy President, Dean of Faculty, Vice Dean of Faculty, Vice Presidents, University Director and the chairman of the Student Union (THS). IH2655 Spring 2013 Mikael Östling KTH 11 Etching Overview Basic Terminology Wet from COMPUTER CS 112 at Rutgers University Östling, Mikael KTH, School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Integrated Devices and Circuits. 2013 (English) In: Materials Science Forum, ISSN 0255-5476, E-ISSN 1662-9752, Vol. 740-742, p. 966-969 Article in journal (Refereed) Published Östling, Mikael KTH, School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Integrated Devices and Circuits. (English) Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic) 2009 (English) In: IEEE Electron Device Letters, ISSN 0741-3106, E-ISSN 1558-0563, Vol. 30, no 11, p. 1170-1172 Article in journal (Refereed) Published Abstract [en] Implantation-free mesa-etched 4H-SiC PiN diodes with a near-ideal breakdown voltage of 4.3 kV (about 80% of the theoretical value) were fabricated, measured, and analyzed by device simulation and optical imaging measurements at Mikael Östling KTH Royal Institute of Technology Verified email at kth.se.
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Han var med om att bygga upp forskningsverksamheten vid KTH:s nyetablerade campus i Kista och har haft flera ledande roller, som prefekt, avdelningschef och dekan för Skolan för informations- och kommunikationsteknik (ICT). Mikael Östling, för närvarande chef för forskningsavdelningen Integrerade kretsar och komponenter vid Skolan för informations- och kommunikationsteknik (ICT), föreslogs för några veckor sedan av en nomineringskommitté till KTH:s prorektor.

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Mikael Östling, prorektor. Satsningen på KTH:s infrastruktur för forskning inleddes för två år sedan, då nio labbmiljöer fick ett startbidrag . I dag har totalt elva labb etablerats som KTH:s officiella, kallad KTH Infrastruktur , och är kvalificerade för att söka medel från den årliga interna utlysningen om 20 miljoner kronor.

Mikael Ostling is Deputy President:KTH at Kth Holding AB. See Mikael Ostling's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. IH2655 Spring 2013 Mikael Östling KTH 11 Etching Overview Basic Terminology Wet from COMPUTER CS 112 at Rutgers University Mikael Östling, KTH’s Deputy President for Research has approved the promotion of 2MILab from interim to full research infrastructure, in the company of top facilities like Electrum Lab, Odqvist Laboratory, Parallel Data Center (PDC) and National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI). KTH:s prorektor Mikael Östling ansvarar för samordningen, som drivs av Christina Zander, administrativ chef vid Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap.

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CeXS is hosted by KTH The Royal Institute of Technology and Linköping University is collaborating. The centre's activities are planned and coordinated by a small team, which reports to a board.

Mikael Östling, KTH’s Deputy President for Research has approved the promotion of 2MILab from interim to full research infrastructure, in the company of top facilities like Electrum Lab, Odqvist Laboratory, Parallel Data Center (PDC) and National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI).